Wednesday, April 16, 2008

X PRIZE Foundation April Newsletter

The April XPF email newsletter is out. It has the last month's updates. These include:

  • the Progressive Automotive X PRIZE rollout
  • news of the XPF's Genomics X PRIZE and the St. Louis Science Center joining forces at the Center for a DNA Day event on April 25
  • a reminder about the Google Lunar X PRIZE Summit at the International Space University, including an education competition for ISU students involving designing a GLXP type of mission
  • outreach at the National Science Teacher's Association Conference, where the Pete Conrad Spirit of Innovation Award was presented
  • news of a WIRED Magazine article feature XPF Board member Ray Kurzweil
  • and an Google Lunar X PRIZE Lunar Legacy of a Peace Sanctuary design that probably could be seen from orbit.

Sign up for the regular XPF email update on their site, because you aren't getting any of the links or pictures, and few of the details, from my summary.