Tuesday, June 10, 2008

LunaTrex Trio and More GLXP

Today there are 3 posts from LunaTrex:

Popular Mechanics Article Errors and Edits - setting a few things straight

New X PRIZE - LunaTrex has a couple suggestions.

LunaTrex new Facility - They show some graphics of a new building that AirBuoyant, LLC, plans to build. In addition to other AirBuoyant business, LunaTrex hardware will be built there, and a mission control site will be located there.

There's also a post be STELLAR:

ISU and Team STELLAR press announcements help us build our team - qualified people of several types are joining now that they've heard the news

I'm not sure if there are any permanent links to this, but the main GLXP page has a featured article about the Team Summit. A major part of the article is a review of the loss of SCSG as a competing team.